We offer a wide variety of eye care services to the greater San Gabriel Valley community. Contact us with any questions about our services.
While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading.
Our doctors prescribe personalized treatment to slow down the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. The different methods we use include: soft contacts, ortho-ketatology, and atropine eye drops. Besides keeping the prescription low, myopia control also helps reduce the risk of vision-threatening complications later in life, including glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and even blindness.
Just like an annual physical, a comprehensive eye exam is recommended once a year. We test your visual acuity, blood pressure, color vision, depth perception, eye pressures, visual fields, glasses prescription, eye alignment, and the overall physical health of your eyes. Most vision insurances cover routine eye exams once a year.
After a comprehensive eye exam, the doctor will discuss with you contact lens recommendations based on your prescription, eye health, and lifestyle. If this is your first time wearing contact lenses, we will schedule a contact lens care and insertion/removal training with our experienced associates
Our medical eye exams include the treatment and management of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and dry eyes. Our optometrists are trained and certified to the highest scope of practice.
We understand that LASIK is a life-changing procedure that can draw a lot of questions and anxiety. The consultation consists of a comprehensive eye exam to check your current prescription and eye health. If you are a good candidate, we will refer you to our trusted and experienced refractive surgeon.
Our doctors provide same-day appointments for eye infections, eye injuries, and other urgent eye issues seven days a week. However, if your eye injury or emergency is after hours, please seek help at your nearest hospital emergency room or urgent care.